There's been discussion recently on the QuiltArt list about Hancock's Fabric filing bankruptcy and closing over 100 stores. And some of these fabric fanatics have complained that part of the problem is that Hancock's has been selling non-fabric stuff at the expense of the fabric. As someone on the list asked, "Who goes to a fabric store to buy furniture?"
Well, me.....though technically, I didn't GO there to buy furniture, it just happened!
I have to admit that I bought my bed at a Hancock's (or was it Minnesota Fabrics)? I had just finished a quilting gig in another state, and on my way out of town (I had driven) stopped by the local chain fabric store. There, as I entered the store, was a bed I fell in love with. So I bought it, then yards and yards of gauzy fabric to drop up and around it, and then more yards and yards of more fabric to drape up and over my windows. Now the fabric for over the bed had the most gorgeous coral cabbage roses on it. I knew it didn't go with anything I had, but I just had to have it!
Now, the funniest part was as I got back to my packed to the gills van, and was rearranging stuff to fit an unplanned for bed into, I was opening suitcases and rearranging which quilts went where. And discovered that one of my favorite pineapple star quilts, Roses Amongst the Thorns, had almost the exact same cabbage roses appliqued all over it, and coral, no less!
Now, not only was this quilt an NQA prize winner, been juried into AQS Show in Paducah and shown at International Quilt Festivals in both Houston and Chicago, it was already queen size, and, most importantly, it was DONE!!!!!
Now if I had gone shopping to try to match the quilt, would I have found anything? Of course not! But as it was, I was able to go home and create a gorgeous boudoir style bedroom. Still love the bed, still love the quilt, still love the total effect!